Globetrotter of the Month Rashad McCrorey

By Nicole Brewer

Greetings globetrotters! I am happy to bring to you our April GT of the month Rashad McCrorey. Rashad is currently based in NYC but travels to Africa often to conduct tours in Ghana with his up and coming travel company Rashad has many things in store in the travel and publishing world, so check out his interview below GTs. Enjoy!

Can you tell the I luv 2 Globe community little about yourself? 

My name is Rashad McCrorey, I own a travel company called Ghana Cross Culture. Personally, I am based in Harlem, New York City; however, my travel company is based in the Eastern Region of Ghana. As far as my personal hobbies, I love to exercise; one of my biggest accomplishments is losing 85lbs over the last 2 years. Obviously travel, and other entrepreneurial endeavors.

How many countries have you traveled to?

I have not traveled to many countries. I have only traveled to four countries so far; Ghana, Togo, Cote’ d’Ivorie, and Amsterdam (12-hour layer).

 What is your dream destination and why? (think bucket list destinations).

My future travel schedule includes Cape Town, South Africa in September, and Egypt in December. Rwanda, Cameroon, and Uganda are on my 2018 radar. I want to visit as many African countries as possible. My bucket list is all in Africa!

 What made you decide to live a travel lifestyle abroad?

I am currently working on a doctorate degree in ministry, no I am not a reverend, pastor, minister or any form of clergy whatsoever… but during my graduate studies, we took a trip to Ghana. I fell in love with the country and I just knew the travel life was for me. I began traveling more within the states, and make it a point to travel regularly out of the country. Though my list of destinations is not as expensive as most, I can am always on the run, between states and back in forth between West Africa for business and pleasure. Living the life I was destined to live. In this return to a global economy and global world, I am fully taking advantage of it all.

 What are some challenges you have faced trotting the globe?

 The most challenging aspect of traveling the globe has been that once people realize I am American, they automatically raise the prices on me. My biggest advantage is that I am American, but I just take it personally that I am being overcharged because of that. I know it’s petty but its just the principle. I tip in the U.S I definitely tip abroad… haha

 Where was your most recent travel destination you trotted to?

 My most recent destination was Ghana. It was an impromptu business trip. I was informed that the financial manager, and the manager, at the hotel I work with were retiring, and I would be dealing with 2 new hires. I didn’t feel comfortable doing so many and so much financial transactions with people I have never physically met, so I took a personal trip out to Ghana and spent 10 days out there to personally meet these new people, who are very wonderful and catch up in person with my staff in Ghana who do all the work on the ground. I am present with all my groups or individual travelers.

 Which, if any, foreign languages do you speak?

I speak no foreign languages. Beginners Spanish and basic Ghana Twi language.

 What do you have planned for yourself next? (any projects you’d like to promote, etc). Would you ever consider the expat lifestyle to assist with your globe-trotting?

I am currently in the process of starting a book publishing company named after my family called “McCrorey Publishing”. I am currently fundraising for the project, and have a landing page for the website . I am working on my personal website for myself as the brand at and obviously looking forward to opening more African countries at . I am not sure if I would live an expat lifestyle. I kinda sought of want to, but I haven’t truly decided yet. I always dream of how wealthy I can live making American money on a West African budget haha…

 What are some words of wisdom you would like to give to future inspiring globe-trotters and expats?

Like Nike just do it. Take that first trip, start that business, write that book, stay awake and accomplish your dreams. Hold your breath and jump in the pool.

GT interviewGT of monthMcCrorey PublishingRashad McCrorey
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  • Nadie Zemora

    This is amazing timing for us. We are already a member of iluv2globetrot FB and recently found your website 🙂 We are a full-time travel family and we’re getting ready for our 2017-2018 SE Asia adventure. Nonetheless we are PLANNING for our 2018-2019 Africa <3 I would love to connect more with Rashad and his travel business in Ghana, thanks to this interview!

    Thanks from AllWeDoIsWander