GT of Month EG Green of Reborn Stronger

By Nicole Brewer

Happy New Year Globe Trotters! I am happy to bring to you our January GT of the month, EG Green. He is not only an educator abroad currently in Saudi Arabia, but he is an upcoming travel blogger as well at the awesome website He details some amazing globetrotting adventures over there. Check out his GT of the month interview below and be inspired to trot the globe like EG!

1. Can you tell the I Luv 2 Globe Trot community a little about yourself (where are you from, what do you do, where are you currently based, hobbies etc).

Born and raised in Gary, Indiana. I’ve lived in 5 countries within the past 10 years and I’m currently laying my head down at night in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2. How many countries have you traveled to?

I hit country 51 a week ago and I’ll be adding three more to the list within the next three months.

3. What is your dream destination and why? (think bucket list destinations).

Well, for this year I’ll say Brazil (since I haven’t been there yet), but I’m happy to say that that dream will become a reality within the next six months!

4. What made you decide to live an expat lifestyle abroad?

It started with my first international trip abroad to Egypt during the late spring/early summer after my freshman year of college. I looked at the Sphinx, we stared intently at one another for a moment, and then he whispered: “Travel. Explore. See the world young man…It’s yours.”

EG Green focused making cheese in Switzerland.

5. What are some challenges you have faced trotting the globe?

Challenges are what make the ride worthwhile. My trots have had a few bumps here and there, but nothing drastic enough to slow down my journey.

6. Where was your most recent travel destination you trotted to?

I rang in 2017 in Belgium and it was definitely rocking! Great vibes, good food, and only drawback was the cold weather.

7. Which, if any, foreign languages do you speak?

Korean (advanced), Spanish (in progress), Arabic (basics), and I’m sure if I returned to Japan for a few months I’d pick it right back up fairly quickly.

8. What do you have planned for yourself next? (any projects you’d like to promote, etc). 

It’s going to be a busy year! I plan to continue to build and develop my personal travel blog,, and foster more professional relationships. I’ll also continue working on and hopefully complete my debut manuscript, which will retrace my father’s emotional experience leading up to the Vietnam War and a raw image of his life on the ground in Vietnam during the war. Additionally, I plan to increase my Spanish to a high-intermediate/advanced level, and much much more…but I can’t give everything away all at once so you’ll have to stay tuned!

9. What are some words of wisdom you would like to give to future inspiring globe-trotters and expats?

Don’t let anyone or anything stop you.

I chose my blog title, Reborn Stronger, based on the fact that I suffered a broken neck at age 22 and didn’t even know if I’d survive surgery, let alone walk again. Well I defied the odds and not only made a full recovery…but I am now Reborn Stronger and live everyday by the E3 motto “Envision, Engage, Excel!”

Thanks so much for sharing EG! We love that motto. Here’s to a year of amazing globetrotting adventures ahead!

EG GreenGT interviewGT of month
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  • Bennie

    I see you Mr. Green.