Robben Island, South Africa Visit

By Nicole Brewer

Greetings Globe-Trotters! It’s been a fantastic first couple of weeks here in Cape Town thus far. I’ve wrapped up the first days at my internship with the Sonke Gender Justice institute, have managed to register as an affiliated student at the University of the Western Cape, in addition to visiting the awe-inspiring Robben Island, home to the prison grounds that Nelson Mandela inhibited for many years. It was a great introduction into this city.  It is totally humbling to be living and studying in a location with so much rich culture and history.  This coming Friday, July 18th will mark the 1st Nelson Mandela day since his passing.

On my University campus, I noted several events that will be taking place to commemorate this nation’s and the world’s hero.  Many NGO organizations and others will allow volunteers and visitors to join them for community service events all around the city. Nevertheless, as a staff member at the University so eloquently stated, we should do our part every day and not just on “Nelson Mandela Day”, which I totally agree with.  I have plans to get involved within the community while I’m residing here but will take this day to reflect on the amazing legacy of Mandela as well as get out and do my part.  Take a peek at the below gallery GTs from my recent visit to Robben Island. Take care.




Nelson MandelaNelson Mandela dayRobben IslandUWC
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