In Search of Charismatic Adventurer for TV Show

By Renee Evans

It is with great excitement that I’m able to post that we recently had a TV production company contact us about an opportunity to host a TV show.

They’re searching for charismatic adventurers with lots of personality to host a new travel series for a major lifestyle network. Seeking individuals who live to travel and love to explore the world while learning about various local cuisines and cultural perspectives. Ideally someone who is on a mission or has a purpose as to WHY they’re on their adventure.

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Perhaps someone who is at a crossroads, someone whose career brings them around the world, or someone who is into couch-surfing or renting local apartments to travel efficiently and truly get to know a city. The ideal host will have good camera presence, a story to tell, and experience with travel domestically and internationally. 

What to include in the email: What’s your story? Do you have a website/experience as being an expat/extensive traveler. We are not the one deciding, basically you are selling yourself to the network. That would include any media kits that you have currently.

If you think that is you or you know someone, please email us at!

Check out our travel iluv2globetrot group also. Good luck!!

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