Interviews Black Travel Bloggers to Watch in 2015 Globe trot Dec 30, 2014 31 By Nicole Brewer As 2014 comes to an end, we here at I Luv 2 Globe Trot thought it was time to share with you…
Asia That time I was flagged to wear an Abaya at the Royal Omani Opera House! Globe trot Dec 28, 2014 18 By Nicole Brewer Greetings Globe-Trotters and Happy Holidays! It has been a lovely, festive season for me here…
Asia Travel Reflections for 2014; Grad school abroad completion and living in 3… Globe trot Dec 18, 2014 26 By Nicole Brewer Greetings globetrotters!!! With 2014 quickly coming to an end, it was only appropriate that I…
Interviews Photographer Daniel Cheong Interview Globe trot Dec 12, 2014 22 By Nicole Brewer A couple weeks ago I had the distinct pleasure of attending a Nikon photography summit here in…
Asia Millennium Resort, Mussanah Oman Review: Paradise unbound Globe trot Dec 6, 2014 27 By Nicole Brewer This past weekend here in Oman was a glorious one full of celebrations abound. From the Oman…
Asia The Oman Readjustment period (reverse culture shock…to a culture not your… Globe trot Oct 29, 2014 6 By Nicole Brewer Long time GTs (ie globe-trotters for the newbies)! It's been awhile since I've had time to…
Africa Whale-watching in Hermanus, South Africa! Globe trot Sep 28, 2014 5 By Nicole Brewer The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least. I've gone from finishing up my…
Africa Cape Point, South Africa with Baz Bus tours Globe trot Sep 12, 2014 2 By Nicole Brewer Last weekend I managed to have such a fabulous time heading to Cape Point, the most south…
Interviews Globe-Trotter of the Month- Charles Phillips of Kuwait (by way of Texas) Globe trot Sep 4, 2014 5 By Nicole Brewer Greetings GTs! It's with great pleasure that I introduce you to our Globe-Trotter of the month…
Africa The Majestic Table Mountain, Cape Town South Africa Globe trot Aug 26, 2014 5 By Nicole Brewer Greetings GTS! It's absolutely amazing how fast time flies when you're having fun! Can you…