Africa The Majestic Table Mountain, Cape Town South Africa Globe trot Aug 26, 2014 5 By Nicole Brewer Greetings GTS! It's absolutely amazing how fast time flies when you're having fun! Can you…
North America Perspectives on Ferguson from an African American (well Black) expat Globe trot Aug 16, 2014 2 By Nicole Brewer So if you're like me, your social media, FB timelines and the like have been flooded with…
Africa The Crypt Jazz Restaurant Review, Cape Town South Africa Globe trot Aug 11, 2014 0 By Nicole Brewer Cape Town is such a dynamic city. From walking through movie sets at the Company Gardens, to…
Interviews Globe-Trotter of the Month Taiwanda Bason of China! Globe trot Aug 4, 2014 1 By Nicole Brewer Greetings GTs! Sorry for the delay as graduate school, the internship, etc have been keeping me…
Africa How did You spend Nelson Mandela Day? Footage of Desmond Tutu in Cape Town Globe trot Jul 27, 2014 0 By Nicole Brewer It has been an incredible journey thus far residing in Cape Town, South Africa over the past…
Africa Robben Island, South Africa Visit Globe trot Jul 16, 2014 1 By Nicole Brewer Greetings Globe-Trotters! It's been a fantastic first couple of weeks here in Cape Town thus…
Africa First Impressions of Cape Town, South Africa Globe trot Jul 6, 2014 8 By Nicole Brewer Sawubona! I hope all is well on your end of the globe GTs! I've been settling into Cape Town…
Europe Fairy Tale BDay: Neuschwanstein Disney Castle, Bavaria Germany Globe trot Jun 28, 2014 4 By Nicole Brewer The days are winding down for the month of June. Even though Gemini season has officially…
Europe Roadtripping to Berlin via BlaBlaCar Globe trot Jun 23, 2014 4 By Nicole Brewer Summer days are here GTs (well, sort of depending where you are around the globe). The weather…
North America Travel Tips for Detroit Atlantic Impact students and GT postcards! Globe trot Jun 12, 2014 2 By Nicole Brewer Greetings GTs! I have had the distinct pleasure of being contacted by the lovely ladies and…